Hi everyone, I know it's been forever (like over a year, yikes)! SORRY but I've been not focused lately with blogging. I was on like a emotional fashion rollercoaster. Ok. maybe it wasn't that serious but you catch my drift. Anyways, the good news is I finally got my passion back for fashion, but the bad news is it's not on this blog anymore. I decided after a lot of thinking that this "blog" title really wasn't me. I know I could've just renamed it and went on with my blog. BUT I wanted to start from scratch soooooo I now have a new more professional blog, and it will mean SO much if you guys followed that one instead. I've only had it for a week, but it's so much more professional than this in a simplistic way, just like my personality. If you go over to Law Abiding Fashion & support by following in the RSS feed or just tweeting, instagramming (if that's a word, lol) or facebooking about it it will mean ALOOOOOOT!! lol. I'm excited because I have a lot of ideas in my head that I want to do on my blog, which include some post on a local cyber magazine here where I live!!! *_*. I appreciate the few of you for not unfollowing little on me, lol, and once I reach followers in the 3 digits or even higher (shoot, I'm shooting for stars) I want to do a BIG giveaway of some sort!! so hope you enjoy, and I will see you on my other blog.
<3 Danisha
Go follow!!! Byeeee...
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